Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Services Online

Significant Differences:


At Regional Psychiatry, we understand the unique challenges and concerns that come with nurturing mental health in children and adolescents. We’re proud to offer specialized telehealth services in psychiatry and psychotherapy tailored for young minds aged 3 to 17. Our approach goes beyond traditional treatment methods. We believe in a holistic model of care that includes the patient and family at every step of the journey.

Personalized Care that Grows with Your Child

Our team of dedicated professionals specializes in children and teens’ developmental, emotional, and psychological needs. We provide a safe, supportive, and confidential space for them to explore their thoughts and feelings, guided by compassionate therapists and psychiatrists highly experienced in pediatric mental health care.

Choosing Online Therapy for Your Child

Over the past few years, online therapy and telehealth have become common solutions for families dealing with behavior issues and mood disorders. For many families, online individual therapy can be an excellent solution, allowing the child to interact in a comfortable setting.

What Online Therapy Is Available for Children?

Our online therapy platform addresses a wide range of needs, from mental health concerns to autism spectrum disorders. Once you’ve chosen your child’s online therapy, they work with a qualified behavioral expert who can set up a treatment plan after observing the behavior at home.
Online therapy can also help children avoid the stigma of their peers knowing they’re dealing with behavioral disorders. Meeting with a therapist online keeps the interactions private.

What Online Therapy Is Available for Adolescents?

As children age, their therapy needs can change. Adolescent psychiatrists can help them deal with the new moods and feelings that come with their brains maturing.

What Signs Might Suggest My Child Needs Therapy?

Sudden changes in a child’s behavior might be signs that therapy is needed, especially if a traumatic event has occurred. Here are some specific things to look for with your child or teen:

  • Loss of interest in hobbies or activities
  • Defiant or overly aggressive behavior
  • Changes in sleeping or eating habits
  • Social isolation or withdrawing from friends and family
  • Excessive worrying or more intense emotions

If something seems off with your child or they seem to be struggling, online therapy might be a helpful avenue to explore.

Beyond Medication

Understanding that medication is just one part of the solution, we delve deeper into each young patient’s unique circumstances. Our goal is not only to alleviate symptoms but to uncover and address the root causes of mental health challenges. This comprehensive approach may include:

  • Educational Support: Empowering patients and families with knowledge about diagnoses, treatment options, and coping strategies.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Interventions: Encouraging practices that support mental health, such as mindfulness, physical activity, and balanced nutrition.
  • Family Involvement: Engaging families in therapy sessions and decision-making processes to foster a supportive environment at home.

Convenient and Accessible Telehealth

Leveraging the latest in telehealth technology, we ensure that your child can access high-quality mental health care from the comfort and safety of your home. This flexibility means less disruption to your child’s routine and removes the stress of having to travel to appointments.

Your Partner in Mental Wellness

At Regional Psychiatry, we’re committed to being a trusted partner. Together, we’ll work to foster resilience, promote emotional well-being, and pave the way for a brighter, healthier future for your child. Call today to schedule a consultation.

Contact Us Today

Independence. Resilience. Wellness.

We work with each patient to customize a personalized treatment plan. Our practice has the experience and training to improve your overall health and wellness.