Telehealth Neuropsychological Testing Services

Significant Differences:


Psychological and neuropsychological testing are specialized assessments designed to evaluate a range of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functions. These tests are critical tools used by clinical psychologists and other mental health professionals to understand an individual’s mental health condition comprehensively.

What Is Neuropsychological Testing?

Performed by a neuropsychologist, neuropsychological testing helps diagnose cognitive or mental disorders affecting the patient’s thinking skills or socio-emotional functioning. A primary care physician, therapist, or neurologist often recommends this assessment when the person displays aggressive behavior, has difficulty processing emotions, uses drugs to cope, or has academic problems.

Symptom validity tests and performance validity tests administered by the therapist or neurologist cover major domains such as intelligence, language, concentration and attention, learning and memory, sensory-motor functions, psychomotor speed, and executive functions. The types of tests the patient needs to take vary depending on the symptoms. They can include objective personality tests, Rorschach inkblots, intelligence tests, and the Rotter Incomplete Sentence Test.

Psychological Testing

Psychological Testing involves evaluating cognitive and emotional functioning through various standardized tests. It can help in diagnosing mental health disorders, such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more. These tests assess intelligence (IQ), learning disabilities, personality characteristics, coping mechanisms, and emotional functioning.

Neuropsychological Testing

Neuropsychological Testing, on the other hand, is more focused on understanding how different areas and systems of the brain are working. It’s a more specific form of assessment that examines cognitive impairments related to brain injury, stroke, dementia, or neurological conditions. It looks at cognitive functions such as memory, attention, problem-solving abilities, visual-spatial abilities, motor skills, and language.

Who Would Benefit from Neuropsychological Tests?

  1. Individuals with Suspected Mental Health Disorders: For accurate diagnosis and treatment planning, psychological testing can be invaluable. It helps in distinguishing between different mental health disorders, which can have overlapping symptoms.
  2. People Experiencing Learning Difficulties: School-aged children, teenagers, or even adults struggling academically may undergo psychological testing to identify specific learning disabilities or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  3. Individuals with Suspected Cognitive Impairments: Neuropsychological testing is useful for diagnosing conditions like dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or cognitive deficits following a traumatic brain injury.
  4. Patients with Neurological Conditions: Those suffering from neurological diseases (e.g., epilepsy, multiple sclerosis) might benefit from neuropsychological assessment to understand how their condition affects their cognitive functions.
  5. Individuals Undergoing Rehabilitation: For people recovering from brain injuries or strokes, neuropsychological testing can assess the progress and efficacy of rehabilitative treatments.
  6. Legal and Forensic Settings: Psychological testing can be used in legal contexts to assess competency, support criminal cases, or in custody disputes.

How Does Online Neuropsychological Testing Work?

Neuropsychological testing benefits patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, genetic conditions, traumatic brain injuries, brain tumors, and other medical or mental health conditions. After consultation, one of our certified professionals will administer the neuropsychological tests, which can be done remotely. We may also conduct interviews or perform lab tests. If you’re the one taking the neuropsychological exam, make sure you eat well and get good rest the night before for the most accurate results.

What Is a Neuropsychological Evaluation?

The neuropsychological evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s brain functions. After the neuropsychological testing, a certified professional will review the results along with your medical records (and lab tests, if required) and discuss the findings. The evaluation will show the brain regions affected by the disorder or injury, explain the individual’s behavior, and help reveal the patient’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses. After the evaluation, our therapist will recommend the right treatment. Do note that we may require you to visit when we request laboratory exams to help us better diagnose the problem. We aim to help diagnose and treat mental and cognitive impairments to improve our patients’ quality of life.

Start with Regional Psychiatry Today

Our team of clinical psychologists at Regional Psychiatry is positioned to offer invaluable insights and support through these assessments. Whether for diagnostic clarity, treatment planning, work/academic accommodations, or understanding a patient’s condition in depth, psychological and neuropsychological testing serves as a cornerstone in modern mental health care. It helps craft tailored interventions and supports not just the individual in need but also provides guidance for their caregivers or family members on how best to support their loved one’s health and well-being. Call us at 407-462-1254 or use our contact form to schedule a consultation today.

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We work with each patient to customize a personalized treatment plan. Our practice has the experience and training to improve your overall health and wellness.