Online Therapy and Counseling Services

Significant Differences:


Navigating through life’s challenges, such as breakups, job losses, or the illness of a loved one, can fundamentally alter our self-perception and worldview. These stressors often trigger automatic stress-related thought patterns—like persistent rumination, cognitive distortions, and a diminished capacity for psychological flexibility. Untended, these patterns can disrupt hormonal balance, trigger cellular inflammation, and disturb both our digestive and circadian rhythms. This cascade of effects can impair our thinking, mood, functionality, and performance. In response, we might default to maladaptive coping mechanisms, such as avoidance, substance use, or overworking, sacrificing our core values in the process.

To counteract these effects, our therapists provide a range of accessible healing techniques designed to rewire stressful thought patterns and enhance well-being. These services, available via telehealth for your convenience, include:

  • Supportive Therapy (Talk Therapy): Offers a safe space for expression and coping strategy development.
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): Helps process trauma by simulating the psychological state of REM sleep.
  • Brainspotting: Aims to access and resolve unprocessed trauma in the subcortical brain.
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Focuses on embracing challenges and committing to personal values for a rich, meaningful life.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Targets negative thought patterns to improve mood and behavior.

Through these modalities, our aim is to restore balance, affirm personal values, and fundamentally improve your well-being—all from the comfort of your home.

What is Online Therapy?

Online therapy goes by various names, including e-counseling, teletherapy, and e-therapy. Trained therapists provide mental health services to clients in a virtual manner. While many people associate online therapy with virtual video sessions, text messaging can also be used in conjunction with or instead of these sessions.

Regional Psychiatry offers online therapy services to clients who need it. Understanding what’s available to you can open up a world of mental health possibilities.

What are the Benefits of Online Therapy?

Online therapy offers numerous advantages. For starters, it makes mental health services available to more people, including those in remote areas. People who lack reliable transportation or have difficulty committing to in-person therapy sessions due to illness or disability can also benefit from online sessions.

Additionally, teletherapy services make therapy appointments more convenient for people with busy schedules by eliminating the need to travel to appointments. For instance, rather than a busy parent having to take their children to in-person therapy sessions or find a babysitter, they can attend online therapy sessions from home, work, or anywhere with internet access. Each therapy session typically lasts an hour or less.

Therapists will suggest the appropriate number and frequency of sessions based on each individual’s needs.

Types of Online Therapy

Online therapy can be a valuable tool for those who embrace it and attend regular sessions. Various online therapy options exist, providing a personalized approach and allowing clients to receive tailored assistance for healing and moving forward in their lives.

Online Supportive & Talk Therapy/Psychotherapy

Talk therapy is also known as psychotherapy. Trained psychotherapists provide a safe, neutral space for individuals to discuss job stresses, grief, and other personal issues as needed.

The process involves figuratively unraveling and untangling thoughts and feelings to inspire positive change within an individual.
As the name suggests, supportive therapy takes a supportive, less structured approach rather than a structured focus on changed behavior. For instance, supportive therapy emphasizes positive reinforcement and helps encourage a better frame of mind. It’s more about providing clients with an opportunity to share their feelings in a healthy way.

Psychotherapists are trained to create a safe and supportive environment where they can provide constructive yet positive feedback to their clients.

Online EMDR Therapy

EMDR, which stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, can be used to heal from significant trauma. It involves using stimuli, such as lateral eye movements and hand tapping, in conjunction with processing memories and emotions associated with serious traumatic events.

Online Brainspotting Therapy

Brainspotting can help with processing and recovering from trauma, and its methods are similar to EMDR. It involves concentrating on what the therapist asks you to focus on, such as their finger, while they guide you through the brainspotting process. There may be talking or silence on your end.

Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Many people tend to focus on what’s out of their control, but acceptance and commitment therapy emphasizes mindfulness. This form of therapy teaches clients to embrace feelings and thoughts rather than dwell on them negatively or try to push them down. ACT can be used to help with a variety of issues, including anxiety and chronic pain.

Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of talk therapy that emphasizes gaining better control of one’s thoughts and, as an extension, behaviors. It typically involves a significant amount of self-reflection and in-the-moment work, such as during instances of anger, sadness, or anxiety.

Does Insurance Cover Telehealth Therapy?

There are no guarantees, but your insurance may cover telehealth therapy. For example, Regional Psychiatry accepts insurance from a variety of companies, including (but not limited to) Aetna, BCBS, Cigna, Medicare, and UnitedHealthcare. Please contact us or your insurance company for more information about your specific coverage.

Start Online Therapy Today With Regional Psychiatry

Everyone can benefit from online therapy services to cope with daily stress and previous traumatic events. It also helps with processing recognized feelings, emotions, and behaviors, as well as those that have been suppressed.

Contact Regional Psychiatry to learn about our online therapy options and how we can help you improve your personal and professional life.

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Independence. Resilience. Wellness.

We work with each patient to customize a personalized treatment plan. Our practice has the experience and training to improve your overall health and wellness.